Ulf Hillstedt, based in Malmö, Sweden, has broad experience in various sectors due to his background as Management Consultant. He has expert knowledge within the industry sectors with a special focus towards leadership in international organisations and the dynamics in operating a local company reporting to central management - and vice versa.
Ulf has a previous background as Management Consultant for nearly 30 years, Controller, and CEO in Sweden, Denmark and Norway as well as Director positions within Business Development and Innovation. Furthermore, he has held positions as a board member in Sweden and Denmark and engaged in mentorships for startups. He also has a background as a teacher at IHM Business School from 1997-2000.
Ulf holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration, Strategy, Marketing, and Organisation from the University of Lund, Sweden 1984-1987. He speaks all Scandinavian languages and is fluent in English. Limited German and French.