Pia-Isabell Oldenburger


  • Düsseldorf

Pia-Isabell Schmidt started at Mercuri Urval in Dusseldorf in 2011. She serves national and international mid-size companies and corporate groups from the Industrial Products & Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Transport & Logistics and Public Sector. Pia-Isabell Schmidt focuses on Executive Search, Professional Recruitment, Assessment Solutions, Capability Review and Organisational Development.

Prior to joining Mercuri Urval, Pia-Isabell Schmidt gained experience in diagnostics and structured behavioural observation in the context of Clinical Psychology and she also worked in different functions in Market and Trend Research and in the Media Sector.

Pia-Isabell Schmidt cooperates with different universities (e.g. the Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg) and conducts several joint research projects.

Pia-Isabell Schmidt graduated from the University of Duisburg-Essen with a bachelor's degree in applied cognition sciences and from Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf with a master's degree in psychology.