Daniela Gelmi


  • Milan

Daniela Gelmi, based in Milano office, has been part of Mercuri Urval since 1997. She has a significant experience in projects of Research&Selection of middle managers and executive for middle size and multinational companies. She knows very well FMCG and Luxury Market as she has worked with many companies of these sectors. She has also managed many projects of capabilities review.

Prior to Mercuri Urval, Daniela Gelmi worked in other important multinational like Europe Assistance and Vodafone always with responsibilities in the HR area.

Daniela Gelmi is a member of the Giunta of an important italian association belonging to Confindustria which gathers the most important north Italian companies

Daniela Gelmi has a degree in Psychology in Padoa University and knows English and French.

  • Executive Search
  • Professional Recruitment
  • Assessment
  • Retail & Consumer