Transforming Organisational Culture

By Andreas Frische

Sometimes, the work you do to bring people into a leadership positions can actually help change the entire culture of an organisation.

In a management audit a few years back, we played a key role in initiating a cultural transformation within a massive production company boasting 15,000 employees. Traditionally, they adhered to narrow selection criteria, favoring individuals with identical cultural, educational, political, and regional backgrounds.

However, at MU we believe that the only basis for an employment decision should be a factful match between an individual’s competencies — what they bring to work — and the requirements of the role, context and organisation results needed. Working with inclusive recruitment creates diverse teams, and diversity is required to have a high-performing workplace.

Facing a talent shortage and recognising that their recruitment criteria where outdated, the company, for the first time, sought external consultation by MU. All MU Experts provides a reliable alternative for leadership development. Our expert’s advice, based on MU Leader Selection Science®, leads to improved performance and diversity of leaders.

MU was tasked with assessing the full senior management layer of the organisation for an impending company-wide reorganisation, with the aim to recommend strategic placement decisions based on a science-based, factual approach.

Assessing the Organisation

MU conducted a rigorous and in-depth leadership audit, deploying the MU Leadership Assessment for all leaders involved to assess their effectiveness and development needs.

This involved the expertise of several MU professionals who conducted the assessment, followed by ongoing support to coach the team in the identified areas of development. The client wanted to change the organisational set-up to it to a business unit organisation, with the managers responsible for the entire P&L instead of just running the department. We had to see which of the current leaders had the capabilities to do drive and implement that successfully. In order to fully grasp the complexity of the organisation and the change they where about to embark on, we analysed their unique context, future goals, and from there were able to predict which leaders would be sustainably successful in the organisation.

We did an individual assessment of 30 potentials, through our tested and proven, science based MU leadership assessment and outlined their strengths and weaknesses. Then, we recommended where their people would fit to succeed in the new organisation, and where there where gaps to fill.

The Leadership Audit got the management to re-think their inclusion and selection criteria for hiring and the importance of having the right leadership in place to reach their unique goals.