Morrow Batteries is on a mission to develop and manufacture the most sustainable, innovative and affordable batteries in the world. To be able to realise their vision of becoming a world-leading partner for accelerating the green energy transition, they have partnered with MU to secure the right leaders.

The company are currently building a giga-scale battery cell factory in the south of Norway, as one step to accelerate the green energy transition by supplying a large number of batteries to the industry. The Nordic region, with its abundance of cheap and clean hydropower, could emerge as a European hub for the key technologies needed to electrify everything from transport to heavy industry.
The company has in partnership with MU successfully signed three EVPs and work closely with MU to further build their world-class organisation.
It’s fantastic to be able to use our global capacity to support the Morrow Batteries board in their most urgent needs. MU competitive advantage is that we are a truly global company, able to quickly move resources wherever and whenever needed to secure the right leader for our client. Here we stand out from the competition, even global competitors.
- says Geir Lislerud, Partner and Director at MU.