New Validation Study Re-Confirms MU’s High Success Rate in Leader Selection

By Roger Hagafors Emma Jonsson Anders Sjöberg

MU Research Institute’s Validation Report 2025 reports the success rate of the Mercuri Urval Assessments for leader appointments, focusing on Executives and Managers across 19 countries, made between July 2022 and June 2023. 

The results are in line with previous studies and show a success rate above 90 percent. In this study 93 percent met or exceeded performance expectations. Gender-based analysis show no statistically significant differences in success rates. The findings are in line with previous results of the effectiveness of the Mercuri Urval Assessment Method in achieving successful leader appointments.

More than 90% of leaders recommend by an MU Expert meet or exceed expectations.

Read the latest validation report here.

Highlights From the Latest Report

  • The validation study shows a success rate above 90 percent for leader appointments, with 93% meeting or exceeding achievement expectations.
  • Considering that research on conventional leader selection reports a success rate of 50-60% the results achieved in appointments supported by MU Experts using the Mercuri Urval Assessment Methodology brings significant value for companies and organisations.
  • No statistically significant gender differences observed in the success rate, aligning with previous findings from the MU Research Institute.
  • 96 percent of appointed leaders remain in position after more than 6 months. Reasons for exits remain unknown and could be due to factors other than performance.

How Is the Evaluation Performed?

The evaluation is completed through a questionnaire sent from MU Research Institute to the manager of each appointed leader. Overall success is reported in the questionnaire by the manager.

About MU Research Institute

The MU Research Institute (MURI) is founded by Stiftelsen Mercuri Urval to maintain and further develop the MU services, methods, and tools as well as the effectiveness of MU’s way of working as a science-based Executive Search and Leadership Advisory Firm. The institute operates as an independent body and will further amplify the research and development efforts that MU has made for many decades.

The MU Research Institute focuses on developing and validating services, methods and tools aligning to MU Leader Selection Science® to ensure that MU services always will be effective for clients and meet the highest ethical and quality assured standards. Read more about the MU Research Institute.