Christian Kowalski

Partner & Director

  • Lyon
  • Paris

Christian Kowalski, based in France (Paris and Lyon) since 2000, is involved in the Social Economy sector. He has developed a global approach for this niche, including executive search and highly skilled consultancy partnerships. He is also working for international companies throughout the world, using MU's strong network of consultants. Christian is always working to build real relationships with boards and top management, with a long-term partnerships. He likes to be a coach, for clients, and for young consultants too.

Prior to joining MERCURI URVAL, Christian was the managing director of a medium company, distributing fresh food products in France. Previously sales manager in a large group in France, he has always increased his experience in managing people and clients, searching for the ideal result in the ideal environment.

Member of several associations, Christian has worked abroad, often in a hostile environment (Africa) as a teacher for students with difficulties.

Christian is an agronomist, with the title of engineer, and a specialisation in eco-ethology. 

  • Executive Search
  • Leadership Assessment
  • Professional Recruitment
  • Assessment
  • Coaching
  • B360
  • Capability review
  • Leadership Development
  • Outplacement
  • Leadership Advisory
  • Construction