Till Platz

Partner & Director

  • Hamburg

Since joining Mercuri Urval in 2017, Till has been focusing on roles from mid-management to C-suite appointments with leading medium-sized and large organisations in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the US (incl. DAX, MDAX & NASDAQ listed companies). He has worked on a wide range of assignments, including most levels of functional and general management. Till manages several large accounts and leads project teams of up to 6 people in this context. As part of his mentoring role at the Digital Hub Initiative, he advises start-ups and grow-ups on how to design HR processes and make the right personnel decisions at management level. In addition, he is a trusted advisor to family businesses & PE Firms. Till Platz has a degree in International Politics and is fluent in English.

  • Executive Search
  • Leadership Assessment
  • Board & CEO effectiveness
  • Automotive & Mobility
  • Board and CEO