Søren Eckhardt

Partner & Director

  • Aarhus

Previous Søren Eckhardt was leading first a team in Aarhus and then a team in Washington DC. Today his internal focus is on Product & Service Development and has a role in Mercuri Urval Research Institute in developing MU Organisational Analysis and MU OrgScan.

Søren´s external focuses are on board & executive services - executive search, executive coaching, and organisational and boardroom development. He always strives to work from a trusted partner perspective where business development happens through implementation of the right behaviour.

Søren is certified in Strategic Board Room™ and Chairman and holds more Board Positions.

Søren graduated with an M.Ed. in religion, philosophy and psychology from the University of Aarhus in 2001 and has a Diploma in Business Administration from Aarhus School of Business.

  • Executive Search
  • Leadership Assessment
  • Professional Recruitment
  • Assessment
  • Coaching
  • Assessment Centre
  • Board & CEO effectiveness
  • Capability review
  • Leadership Development
  • Leadership Advisory
  • Energy & Environment
  • Industrial
  • Professional Services