Reliable and actionable leadership advice is more needed than ever

By Nicolas Alaerts

Conventional methods of selecting and developing leaders don't deliver the results hoped for. Leadership appointments result in 60% (or less) of appointments being successful. Almost as many appointments fail as succeed. In parallel, research shows that only 10% of leadership development has a business impact.

Nevertheless, the demand for effective leadership across the organisation has never been more crucial.

Leaders have the largest impact on people’s success at work, inclusive workplaces and organisations results. High-performing leaders add millions to firms’ bottom lines and inspire people to succeed together. Selecting effective leadership and developing leaders to high performance thus has incredible business value.  

Where most approaches are lacking methodology, deep contextualization, and focus on leadership behaviors in scope for effective change and anchoring in the real work context, MU’s approach is grounded in research and best practices while we work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and opportunities. We use a proven method and a range of proven tools and techniques to assess leadership impact and potential. We identify areas for development and provide coaching towards behavioral change on individual leader, team and organisation levels.  

The MU Leadership Advisory Practice is dedicated to helping organisations select, develop and nurture their leadership talent and contributing to companies results and sustainable success - says Nicolas Alaerts, Global Leadership Advisory Lead and Partner.

The MU Leadership Advisory Team consists of experienced consultants with deep expertise in leadership selection, development, organisational psychology, and business strategy. We work collaboratively with our clients to design and precisely tailor our solutions to the unique and specific client situations, needs and and goals. Key areas we focus on include: 

  • Leadership assessment: We use a scientific methodology to assess leadership (potential) and identify areas for development.
  • Succession planning: We work with organisations to identify and develop their next generation of leaders, ensuring continuity and stability in the face of leadership transitions.
  • M&A: We conduct pre- and post-merger or acquisition leadership due diligence to secure ROI.
  • Leadership coaching: We provide one-on-one coaching for senior leaders to help them hone their skills and develop their leadership capabilities.
  • Leadership Team effectiveness: We help teams work more effectively together and increase impact and results
  • Organisational Effectiveness: We support leaders in managing change and navigating complex organisational challenges.
  • Career Management: we help leaders onboard, re-direct their career or re-think their career after job loss

Ultimately, our goal is to help our clients, both SMEs and corporates, build effective and sustainable leadership capabilities that drive business success and deliver lasting value. We believe that effective leadership is the foundation of any successful organisation, and we are committed to helping our clients achieve their full potential. 

Find out more about our science-based approach to the effective selection and development of leaders at

Meet MU’s Leadership Advisory Experts here.