Jochen Prinz

Engagement Manager

  • Houston
  • Luzern
  • Zürich

Jochen Prinz, working for Mercuri Urval in Lucerne, focuses on management consulting, private banking & asset management, private equity, industrial holding companies and their portfolio companies from various industry sectors. His focus is on executive search, leadership assessment, board advisory and succession planning.

Feel free to contact Jochen if your business development extends to the Asian markets. In particular, if you have strategic questions about the markets in India and China, he is available for a more in-depth analysis. Jochen Prinz holds an individual membership in the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC).

Prior to Mercuri Urval, he gained professional experience in executive search in highly specialised boutiques. He advised industrial companies, banks, management consultancies and international law firms in Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

In addition, Jochen has experience in executive search and recruiting for agile organisations as well as for companies currently facing a turnaround or restructuring.

Jochen studied mathematics, philosophy and law. You can contact him in German, English or Italian.

  • Executive Search
  • Leadership Assessment
  • Professional Recruitment
  • Assessment
  • Financial services
  • Leadership Advisory