Dominik Roth (MBA) is Partner and Director for the Munich office. He is perceived as a trusted advisor by Hidden Champions as well as by leading technology player and industrial-mid-size companies. Dominik advises on Executive Search, Talent Management such as assessments and competency modelling.
His track record: >350 successful Executive Searches.
Dominik has an education in Business Psychology and has a Leadership MBA.
In addition, he is a Coach in a business academy that cares for high qualified immigrants to integrate into the German labour market. Dominik has an education in Business Psychology and has a Leadership MBA with a focus on HR.
Dominik runs the leading Career Podcast for Executives in Germany “CEO Career Code”, you can stream via Apple, Spotify or Google-podcast (content in German).
The leading German rating portal for Headhunter “Betterheads” evaluates Dominik Roth as a leading consultant in Executive Search.